Well, what a year! What challenges have you faced? Have you experienced any positives from the changes in the world around you? I’m Gareth, a nature-loving Naturopath and for me it has really helped to let go of expectations around the future – to live in the moment much more and seize the day because sometimes there really are no second chances. And hugs. Hugs are everything!
So, as we find acceptance with what has passed, it’s that time of year where many of us pause to reflect, regather, reconnect and refocus on any goals and move forwards. Though we can of course do this at ANY point in the year, the resetting of the calendar often seems like an appropriate time.
With this in mind, I thought I would share with you some of my favourite Indigo products that are supportive of the sorts of changes and lifestyle improvements that we commonly challenge ourselves to overcome at this time of year.
A word about the January Detox – this is not the ideal time of year for a full-on detox. It is too cold and our bodies still need warming nourishment and gentle support, so save your detox for the Spring! But that doesn’t mean we

can’t support our bodies in post-Christmas recovery and introduce healthier ways to boost our wellbeing. Also, I absolutely do not advocate introducing all of these products into your life at once! Pick those in line with your goals.
On the subject of goals, often small, sustainable steps are the way to go to achieve long term change; it’s a bit of a hare and the tortoise scenario. So, keep your steps realistic and achievable to get that feel good factor from smashing goals, which is a real motivator! Try developing elements of your current routine to more healthful practices – starting to improve on what we currently do is often an easier place to begin than bringing in new things to our routines.
Remember most of all to be kind to yourself, show love to yourself and set goals that are meaningful to you! Those which promote happiness and have a high feel-good factor are also likely the ones that will last beyond the first week!
Gareth's Top Indigo Picks To Support New Year Health Kicks!
Apple Cider Vinegar – a great way to start the day!
Add 1 tablespoon to warm water, best taken on an empty stomach in the morning. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) really helps to kick-start your digestion, promotes immunity and its cleansing properties can give your body a helping hand in elimination and excretion of any Yuletide toxins after your festive frolics! You can drink it with a sustainable straw to help protect your teeth enamel.
Super Protein Powder – for those embarking on some increased exercise, this blend of plant-based proteins is a great choice to support your system.
Protein is essential for building and repairing muscles after exercise and if you’re already vegan or going to give Vegan-uary a go, then this ticks even more boxes. Though I would not suggest drinking cold smoothies at this time of year, it can be added to slightly heated smoothies, soups, porridge mixes and other winter warmers.
Bentonite Clay – helps to draw those indulgent impurities out of your skin, leaving your skin sparklingly fresh

If you’re like me, my skin is like the barometer of my body! For example, I love pizza, but I know all too well the price to pay is spectacularly sized spots in the most visible of places to really make me listen to my body next time. And the time after… So for a glorious glow, I recommend treating yourself to some Bentonite Clay to make face masks. It helps to draw those indulgent impurities out of your skin, leaving your skin sparklingly fresh!
Chia Seeds – packed with not only fibre but protein and lots of other goodness.
Regular bowel movements of good consistency are vital for our health. To promote good bowel health, we should be drinking plenty of water (for most people about 2 litres per day) and having plenty of fibre in our diets. Should we need a boost of fibre, then chia seeds are great little powerhouses. They’re hydrophilic, meaning they love water and will suck it up and go a bit gel-like, so to get your bowel back on track, soak a teaspoon of them in a glass of

water over night for another breakfast time booster to give your gut some love!
Eucalyptus – if you are focusing on lung health, to protect against potential viruses or maybe after deciding to quit smoking.
A eucalyptus oil steam inhalation might be a heaven scent healer for your lovely lungs! Its anti-inflammatory properties can help to soothe your lungs and it promotes the excretion and breakdown of mucus. Add 2-3 drops into a bowl of boiling water, hover your head over the bowl with a towel over your head to cover the bowl and gently breathe in the vitality boosting vapours.
Super Vital Powder – rich in Vitamin C which is essential for immunity.
I may be biased as purple is my favourite colour, but this purple powder is packed with health promoting powers! Not only is it rich in Vitamin C which is essential for immunity, it also tastes REALLY good. Eating a rainbow is a great, simple way to ensure we are getting a wide range of nutrients, so for some purple rainbow radiance, look no further. Add to gently heated smoothies or porridge for a purple power-up.
Multi-Vitamin – to give support and an added boost over the winter months
As a Naturopath I’m all about using food as medicine, but there are times when we need an extra boost. For example, in the bleak British winter, Vitamin D from the sun is rather difficult. Delivering the right dose of other vitamins and minerals to support processes in the body might require more in-depth analysis from a practitioner. So, as a general support for your body, a good Multi Vitamin and Mineral supplement such as this vegan Bio-Health blend can be a real bonus!