A diet rich in antioxidants is believed to be one of the keys to a healthy long life. We are all continuously (more than ever in recorded history), exposed to many environmental stressors which produce “free radicals” in the body. Unhealthy diets high in processed foods, alcohol, tobacco smoke, pollution, Wi-Fi, microwaves, electricity and pesticides – to name but a few – all generate free radicals.
Free radicals are atoms or molecules that are highly reactive with other cellular structures because they contain unpaired electrons. Free radicals can cause damage to parts of cells such as proteins, DNA, and cell membranes by stealing their electrons through a process called oxidation. Antioxidants (also known as “free radical scavengers”), are compounds that either reduce the formation of free radicals or react with and neutralise them.
Antioxidants work by donating to or accepting an electron from the free radical before it can oxidise other cell components. Once the electrons of the free radical are paired, the free radical is stabilised and becomes non-toxic to cells. When antioxidants neutralise free radicals by receiving or donating an electron they do not become free radicals themselves because they are stable in both forms. However, when the antioxidant neutralises a free radical it becomes inactive.
What makes C60 stand out head and shoulders above traditional antioxidants is its ability to both accept and donate electrons. Furthermore, it does not get degraded and rendered inactive by accepting or donating electrons. The oil used in which to suspend the C60 fullerenes allows the C60 to sit in the lipid bilayers of cell walls, constantly neutralising free radicals that reach the cells or mitochondria.
Longevity isn’t just necessarily about prolonging life at all costs – it is about the quality of life as we age and our ability to resist the diseases most commonly associated with aging.
An interesting aspect of the rat study is that Wistar rats normally die of tumours or pneumonia – the rats treated with C60 did not develop tumours or lung disease, they died of general organ failure at a significantly older age than the control group (who did develop pneumonia and/or tumours). What is also interesting to note is that the researchers put the last rat to sleep at the ripe old age of 5½ years, in their eagerness to wrap up the study and publish the results. The average life span of a Wistar rat is 2 – 3 years and it is not known how long the last rat would have lived.
There is also reason to suspect that longevity due to C60 is related to maintaining telomere length. Telomeres have been compared with the plastic tips on shoelaces, because they keep chromosome ends from fraying and sticking together. Each time a cell divides the telomeres get shorter. When they get too short and the cell can no longer divide, it becomes inactive or "senescent" or it dies. This shortening process is associated with aging, leading to much research being undertaken to prevent or slow down this process.
After testing subjects who had been taking C60 for 2 years or more and finding that their telomeres were unusually long for their age, Scientist Ken Swartz theorises, “C60 awakens the mitochondria and triggers apoptosis in senescent cells and then signals the stem cell to begin replacing lost cells. Stem cells are greatly stimulated by C60 and because C60 increases signal clarity by getting rid of the oxidative burden, molecules can communicate clearly without being degraded by oxidative radicals. Ken explained that with this process, telomeres probably become longer.”
Evidence to support the C60 benefits to longevity seems to be mounting, with yet another study finding that it prevents neurodegeneration - the gradual loss of cognitive abilities so commonly associated with old age. Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's occur as a result of this process. Experts agree that around 95% of neurodegeneration is caused by a build up of toxic proteins around the brain and a loss of mitochondrial function that leads to the creation of neurotoxic molecules. The study concluded that C60 "prevented disturbances in protein synthesis, neurodegeneration and formation amyloid-β 25–35 deposits in hippocampal pyramidal neurons".
A painful condition that is characterised by stiff and inflamed joints, the risk of osteoarthritis increases with age. Much of the pain felt is caused by the lack of protective fluid between the joints, which prevents them from rubbing against each other when moving. The immune system garners its inflammatory response to deal with the cells damaged in this process, which in turn leads to free radical formation and oxidative stress. Ironically it is the body’s attempts to heal itself that can make this condition worse.
It is thought that the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of C60 are responsible for the potential relief it can give in cases of osteoarthritis. A 2013 study of C60 benefits suggests that it may suppress the body’s natural inflammatory responses. It appears that the ability of C60 to deal with free radicals gives the body the time to heal itself before the inflammatory response sets in.
Another 2017 study entitled, “Therapeutic Potential of Nanocarbon C60 Fullerene in Osteoarthritis” concluded that: “C60 may have a therapeutic potential, as a nanomedicine, to protect against the oxidative stress-induced diseases, through the mechanism involving the acceleration of expression of DNA repair enzyme Ogg1 (8-Oxoguanine DNA glycosylase).”
Enhances Athletic Performance
Many athletes have reported enhanced performance, better stamina, more energy, shorter recovery times and more wins in their races since using C60. Whilst research is scant, there is a recent 2017 study published in the “Journal of Nanobiotechnology” showing a relationship between C60 and muscle endurance. They concluded that C60 leads to a reduction in recovery time and an increase in the time of “active muscle functioning before the appearance of steady fatigue effects”.
Whilst C60 has yet to be scientifically proven to enhance athletic performance, there are many personal testimonies to this effect online.
Skin Health
C60 can be applied topically and has many anecdotal accounts of benefits to the skin. There are a few studies, such as one that found C60 can prevent UV damage and protect the skin from sunburn (Shinya Kato et al, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology).
A popular company in Japan uses 1% C60 fullerenes in their best selling anti-wrinkle cream. Results of a clinical test performed by the “Japanese Vitamin C60 BioResearch Corporation,” showed that after 8 weeks of treatment to one side of the face, the wrinkle-area ratio was significantly reduced.
With regards to skin conditions such as acne, in a 2014 study, C60 was applied to the skin of subjects with acne twice a day for 8 weeks. The results showed that the number of acne boils suffered by the subjects had fallen by 87.6%.
Hair Growth
The aforementioned Japanese company also ran a clinical test to see if C60 fullerenes could stimulate hair growth. They found that after 6 months of using a 2% fullerene containing tonic that hair growth rate became 16% faster. They believed this is caused by protecting the cells around hair follicles from oxidative stress.
In another 2010 study, published in “Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine”, fullerenes were shown to increase hair growth in human skin sections maintained in culture. They concluded: “These studies have wide-ranging implications for those conditions leading to hair loss, including alopecia, chemotherapy, and reactions to various chemicals.”
Olive Oil vs Coconut Oil
C60 has been found to be most effective when suspended in oil as a carrier. The rat study was conducted using olive oil; however ensuing experimentation with other plant oils has thrown up some interesting results – most notably with coconut oil.
The coconut oil used for Indigo Herbs C60 is pure MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides), made up of a 60%/40% split of pure C8 MCT and pure C10 MCT. These MCT’s can easily cross the blood/brain barrier, directly feeding the brain its favourite food – fat. In the case of C60 suspended in coconut oil, the C8 goes directly to the brain via the blood, whilst the C10 makes a pit-stop at the liver before being transported around the body via the bloodstream. This provides detoxification for both the liver and the brain and is helpful for mental performance and cognitive issues.
The olive oil is made up of LCT’s (long chain triglycerides) which goes directly to the liver, before being transported around the body to where it needs to go via the bloodstream. Some will still get to the brain eventually but not as much as that in the coconut oil. C60 Olive Oil is better suited to health and detoxification issues.
It is recommended that C60 in either oils is not taken with food or water as it will go directly to the gut where the correct stomach bile is required to digest and breakdown the oil to allow the C60 to absorb. The C60 will then be used by the gut instead of detoxifying the liver.
In Conclusion
These are exciting times in the world of natural health, with discoveries such as C60 showing the potential to not only extend life but to alleviate the suffering of many diseases that are associated with the aging process. The C60 benefits seem to be associated with its function as a super-antioxidant that knows no bounds in its ability to neutralise the free radical damage that causes oxidative stress.
Whilst we have outlined some of its many benefits in this article, it is highly recommended that you do your own research with regards to how the exciting discovery of C60 could benefit you.
Folklore and history
In 1985 a group of scientists led by Robert Curl, Harold Kroto and Richard Smalley, isolated the atom clusters now known as C60. They also discovered that the C60 molecule formed a cage-like structure, a regular truncated icosahedron. Because of its unusual geometric construction, Kroto named the molecule “buckminsterfullerene” in honour of Buckminster Fuller, the American inventor of the geodesic dome. They went on to win the Nobel Prize in 1996 for their discovery.
Traditional use
What is C60?
Carbon is the key component for all life on earth. Carbon 60 is a recently discovered molecule that potentially has far reaching ramifications for just about every aspect of health.
C60 grabbed the attention of the natural health world when the now famous “Baati Rat Study” was published in 2012. This research was undertaken to ascertain the toxicity of C60. Since 1993, numerous studies on the newly discovered C60 molecule were showing all sorts of exciting things. From the introduction to the study:
“Since 1993 countless studies showed that fullerene (C60) and derivatives exhibit paramount potentialities in several fields of biology and medicine, mainly including specific DNA cleavage, imaging, UV and radioprotection, antiviral, antioxidant, and anti-amyloid activities, allergic response and angiogenesis inhibitions, immune stimulating and antitumour effects, enhancing effect on neurite outgrowth, gene delivery, and even hair-growing activity. However, although several independent research groups confirmed the innocuousness of pristine C60, the toxicity of this fullerene is still a matter of debate”.
They used male Wister rats to conduct the study and were looking for, “Chronic Toxicity and Effects of C60 on Survival of Rats” and “Effects of C60 Olive Oil Solutions on Oxidative Stress”.
Their findings were nothing short of remarkable:
Conclusions of the C60 Study
Through this study, the researchers discovered the C60 has an extremely positive effect on the lifespan of rats. In fact, the discovery was pretty extraordinary:
“Our results show that while olive oil treatment can lead to an increase of 18% of lifespan of treated rats, C60-olive oil can increase it up to 90%, as compared to controls. The effects of olive-oil on health and ageing are well known, and its effect as a function of dose has been thoroughly discussed. But, what is noteworthy is that at M38 all C60-treated rats were still alive. Thus, based on previous investigations, C60 should be the most efficient ever material for extending lifespan.”
Lead investigator Fathi Moussa and his team were stunned by the roughly double than expected lifespan of rats receiving the molecule. “We are not specialists of aging,” said Professor Moussa, “Our goal was just to study chronic toxicity.”
C60, as the researchers found out, is also a very powerful antioxidant. It is very well armed to fight against the negative effects of free radicals. Even more interesting is the fact that during this study, the C60 dosing protected the liver.
Typical use
Health and Wellbeing – First Time Users
A 5ml daily dose is recommended for around a week or two for first time users. This should be taken without food or drink and spread over two doses of around 2-3ml last thing at night and again first thing in the morning. Please leave at least a 20 minute gap before any food or drink is consumed after taking C60.
Topical Application
C60 Oil can be applied topically to the skin anywhere on the body. Apply a few drops to the skin, a couple of times a day. Please note that the C60 will absorb into the skin within a few minutes but the oil will take longer. After a few minutes, the excess oil can be wiped away or left on the skin to fully absorb.
Please note that C60 is a research grade product and your own research and experimentation with this product is always advised.
Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding.