Antioxidants abound in these natural botanicals which help your body to naturally detoxify.
It’s everywhere in the media and all the celebs are doing it: detoxing. But why? Because now, more than ever, we live in polluted times. Much of our food is treated with artificial chemical fertilisers and pesticides (which is where organic produce comes to the rescue) and we are surrounded by environmental toxins – not to mention the toxins we take in through bad habits...
Additionally, our high-stress lives can be ‘toxic’ to our bodies by creating overly acidic blood which many naturopaths believe is the forerunner to disease. Detoxing the major internal organs can help treat chronic illness, allergies, skin conditions and other symptoms of poor health.
At Indigo Herbs we have a range of pure, naturally-derived botanicals known to spring-clean the body and help its waste disposal. For those of you more mechanically minded, think of it as an oil change. Detoxing is a prime example of “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. A clean body is a strong body.
The bowel is arguably the most important place to start, as it is, to put it bluntly, our sewage system, and needs to be kept clear to work efficiently. The liver appreciates periodic cleansing too: sparkling eyes and a happier disposition are the outward signs of an unburdened liver. Our other channels of elimination, the kidneys, lungs and skin, also benefit from a detox.
Browse the list below and see what appeals.