Gillian Kennedy

Practice locations
c/ Sant Pere Mes Alt, 46, 2-1
08003 Barcelona
Gillian is a Naturopath & Western Herbal Medicine Practitioner, Holistic Health Coach + Yoga Teacher. She received her Naturopathy + Herbal Medicine qualifications in Australia and has since moved to Barcelona, Spain where she practices locally and online with clients all over the world. Her passion is Nutrition and helping people live their happiest & healthiest lives through nourishing their body optimally with the nutrients they require to thrive through wholefoods, neutraceuticals and natural medicine where needed. She believes that everyone is individual and that there is no one-size-fits-all diet or treatment plan for everyone. She works holistically with every client to create a bespoke treatment plan that suits their needs to bring their bodies back to balance. She believes in body, mind & soul holistic health and that they are all connected and influence a person's health. A couple areas Gillian focuses on most are helping her clients to get over their addiction to sugar which she believes is one of the major influences promoting illness & imbalances in the body, weight loss as well as hormonal health. Gillian is available online for consultations wherever you are in the world.