Katherine Brooke Colon Hydrotherapy
Practice locations
Equilibrium Natural Health Centre
The Stone Barn, 1 Forest Gate
SN15 3RS
United Kingdom
Today, more and more people are choosing Colon Hydrotherapy (Colonic Irrigation) either to maintain good health or as a way to help them overcome the many unpleasant symptoms caused by digestive disorders.
Colon Hydrotherapy (Irrigation) is a wonderfully simple treatment, with enormous health benefits. It is understandable that making your first appointment can be daunting, so you need to find a therapist with whom you feel safe and comfortable.
Katherine Brooke was trained in Colon Hydrotherapy at the National College of Holistic Medicine in Poole, Dorset by Dr. Milo Siewert MD (Mex) MACH RT ND MT in 2005, with further study completed at the European School of Colon Hydrotherapy. She also has a B.A.(Hons) Degree and Licentiate in Traditional Five Element Acupuncture, and has studied Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Katherine has had the pleasure of working with hundreds of men and women, aged from 18-80, and from all walks of life and as a result, has an extensive client base. Some clients have regular treatments such as every 6-8 weeks, and others visit quarterly or as and when they need a little extra help. It is a privilege to be given the trust to work with people in this potentially embarrassing and vulnerable area, and Katherine never takes that for granted.
Appointments are available at Equilibrium Natural Heath Centre. It is an excellent multi disciplinary natural health clinic, which offers high standards of care and service.