Melanie Clark

Practice locations
Sandpiper Road
SO16 8FE
United Kingdom
Modern Reflexology is based upon an ancient form of therapy. Reflexology is a non invasive complementary practice involving the use of pressure, which is applied to the corresponding nerve endings of the body, which are located on the feet. There are over 7200 of nerve endings in the feet, which all connect to a different part in the body.
I have personally found clients experiencing a great deal of pain relief from Reflexology. This could be sciatica through to migraines, the pain relief is due to the body's natural pain receptors being activated through the Reflexology treatment.
The basis of Reflexology is homeostasis and balance, this means if you need more energy you may feel energized or if you need to relax you may feel sleepy after Reflexology. Reflexology tries to get the body aligned and balanced, so it is a very personal treatment to each individual.
This allows Reflexology to offer a means of treating the whole body and of treating the body as a whole.