Organic Agave Products

This unadulterated natural sweetener is brought to you by Indigo Herbs as pure Organic Raw Agave Nectar Syrup. Forming the back bone of our natural sweetener range Agave can be a fantastic natural alternative to refined cane sugar or honey. Indigo Herbs Organic Agave Syrup is a ‘Raw’ product meaning that it is processed under a low temperature with less filtering and is considered to be fit for consumption for those on a raw food diet.
Although Agave Nectar has a relatively short history as an alternative to sugar, it has been a food source since the time of the Aztecs who regarded it as one of the divine foods given to them by their gods. From this period in South American history up until present day the peoples of Mexico continue to use this plant as a source of food and even clothing. At present the most known use of Agave is to make Tequila. It has only been recently that the plant has been utilised for its sweet properties. It takes approximately 8 to 10 years for the Agave plant to reach maturity and the core of or ‘piña’ be processed as a sweetener. Agave is nearly twice as sweet as honey but less viscous making it easier to dissolve and mix.
Agave is a spiny succulent that grows up to 3.5m tall. The plant has long fleshy leaves in rosettes with short stems, up to 2 meters long with light greenish-grey/blue colour. Leaves are armed with spiny teeth up to 1cm long and terminal spines up to 5cm long. Flowers are yellow, up to 10cm long, in clusters on inflorescence branches. Fruits can be up to 5cm long, oblong with short beaks at tip, full of black seeds.