Aloe Vera Products

Aloe Vera has one of the longest histories of any plant when it comes to medicinal use. Indigo Herbs has always been fond of those plants that have uses beyond the everyday. Aloe Vera is one such plant which is why we bring you an array of fantastic quality Aloe Vera Products. Not only can it be used as a topical treatment but it can also be taken, with care, internally. Read on below to find out a little about the plant and its history.
The very first records of Aloe Vera being used by any culture come from anciet Mesopotamia. Inscribed on clay tablets in around 2,200 BCE, the inscriptions show that the peoples of that time already knew about Aloe Vera's cleansing effects. This knowledge was probably passed on to the Egyptians who not only used the plant for its medicinal purposes but also as a symbol to ward off evil influence, in the embalming process and used to make papyrus. In fact Aloe Vera was so important to the Egyptians that a mans wealth and status in regards to the king was measured in the amount of Aloe Vera that he brought the king.
Aloe Vera is classic looking plant that is known throughout the world. It has succulent thick fleshy fronds that can grow very large and grow spines from the margins. It usually stemless unless grown to old age and the bottom fronds cut away. Flowers grow on long stems that can reach about a meter in height. From a distance flowers look like hot pokers from the colour of the grouped singular re flowers on the stalk.