Arnica Products

Arnica is a wild flower that flourishes in the high mountains of Europe and is a memeber of the Asteraceae family. Its traditional use dates back to the 1500's, folklore tells us that humans learned the value of this herb when they observed that mountain goats would clamber to find the Arnica plant after stumbling or falling. Following the lead of the goats, people began applying Arnica to bruises and wounds - the German name "Fallkraut" literally means "fall herb". A version of Arnica also grows in North America where it is called "mountain tobacco" and has been traditionally used as a medicinal plant for centuries.
Indigo Herbs Arnica Flowers Oil is derived from the flowers of Arnica montana and is a pure, soothing oil that can be used topically for its many benefits. You can also take this herb in tincture form with our Arnica Flowers Tincture.