Ashwagandha Products
Indigo Herbs endeavours to bring you the best quality Ayurvedic herbal products available, ensuring that all have met with European and Indian Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia standards. Taking Withania Somnifera, (the Latin name for the Ashwagandha plant) is becoming more popular in the west and this ancient remedy is part of the long running cultural tradition stretching into present day.
As a part of the ancient Indian system of Ayurveda, Ashwagandha has been cited in various scriptural medicas as far back as 6000 BC. The literal meaning of the name translates as “smell of the horse”. This description alludes to the root of the plant having the odour of a horse (“ashwa”). Ashwagandha has been put under the reference of 'Rasayana' (tonic) in Ayurveda, in which it is used as a daily supplement. It has the Ayurvedic qualities of 'rasa' (astringent and bitter), as well as having a sweet taste or 'vipaka'and 'virya' effect (creating heat). This relates to the Ayurvedic Dosa system which uses explanations such as these to match a powder to an individuals constitution. The plant itself belongs to the Solanaceae or nightshade family and typically grows to a height of around 170cm. The fruits are small and either of a yellow or red colour growing mostly in India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
Ashwagandha is mentioned in many stories and certain mythologies describing its wonderful properties. In India Kings used to attribute it to their ability to better rule their kingdoms while in ancient Greece legend tells of the god Apollo giving the withania somnifera plant to the healer Aesculapius.