Black Walnut Products

The Black Walnut tree (Junglans nigra) is a hardwood tree that is native to North America. These large, fruit-bearing shade trees can reach heights of up to 100 feet. Their deep roots (9-10 feet long) reach lower than many trees of similar size; the trees exude a sap that discourages growth of competing plants over their roots.
It has a long history of use in traditional herbalism, especially by the Native American Indians where they were used to treat a number of ailments in both humans and animals. Walnut husks also contain a potent, dark brown dye. Aging men often used this dye to return their greying hair to a darker colour.
Black Walnut is highly prized for its wood, which is used to manufacture furniture, wood panelling and veneer. While the fruit of the tree provides food for people and wildlife, the outer hulls have been used for centuries to make tinctures and infusions.