Calcium Products

Forming 2% of total body weight in adults, Calcium’s best known role is in bone and tooth health. It forms a part of hydroxyapatite, the mineral complex that makes your bones and teeth hard and maintains bone density. It is especially important that children consume an adequate amount of Calcium to maximise their bone mass prior to adult years. Also an important part of the blood clotting process, Calcium works together with vitamin K and a protein called fibrinogen in the clotting cascade, without adequate levels of Calcium and vitamin K the blood will take longer to clot. Calcium helps your muscles contract in response to nerve stimulation, it activates a protein called calmodulin that your muscle cells need to provide the fuel they need to function. Assisting in the transmission of neural impulses, the Calcium in your body also aids other types of cell communication – it acts as a “second messenger” in your cells which means it responds to chemical signals from outside your cells and then triggers a response inside your cell.
Calcium helps to activate several digestive enzymes and there is considerable evidence that calcium and vitamin D intake are influential in modulating energy metabolism in humans.
Natural Calcium Supplements are ideal to top up your levels and work best when combined with sufficient Magnesium and Vitamin D.