Camu Camu Products

This revered Amazonian fruit has only recently become famous throughout the world because of its very high vitamin C content. It is in fact thought to have the largest Vitamin C content in the world in natural form. Here at Indigo Herbs we have some of the best quality Camu Camu on the market in the form of Camu Camu Extract Powder. This Amazonian fruit is also loaded with powerful anti-oxidants, making it a fabulous addition to a balanced diet.
The main habitat of the Camu Camu shrub is on the border of Peru and Brazil, where it thrives in the swampy flood plains of the rainforest. Because this shrub grows over rivers and water ways it is an ideal fruit for fish. It is thought that the origins of the Camu Camu come from the onomatopoeic sound a fish makes when it plucks one of these fruits from the surface of the water or from a low hanging branch. The fish are also thought to be responsible for dispersing the plant throughout the rainforest through their favouring of the fruit. It wasn't until 1957 when the Ministry of Public Health in Peru conducted their first nutritional survey of Amazonian fruits that it was discovered that Camu Camu had an enormous vitamin C content. It is thought that the indigenous peoples of the rainforest disregarded the Camu Camu fruit because of its sour and acidic taste. Therefore there is no history or tribal remedies regarding this fantastic fruit.
Growing to 2-3 metres in height, this large shrub has long feather like leaves and produces fruit of green, yellow and purple colour. The fruit is harvested via canoe since the Camu Camu fruit matures during the Amazon flooding season. It’s a hard job since a lot of the fruit falls from the trees and then is submerged under water. Camu Camu now plays an important part in the economy of the region because of its demand in other countries. This has provided jobs in Peru for the tribal people of the rainforests.