Chuchuhuasi Products

Native to the Amazon Rainforest, Chuchuhuasi is a huge canopy tree whose bark has been used by Shamans and Medicine Men as a traditional remedy for centuries. It was used as a natural pain reliever, an invigorating general tonic and as an aphrodisiac. The bark is rich in many natural compounds such as alkaloids, triterpenes and sesquiterpenes which are thought to be responsible for its many benefits. It’s Peruvian name means “trembling back”, alluding to its traditional use to relieve back pain. It is still considered a powerful medicinal herb in South America where the locals soak the bark in sugar cane rum that is served in local bars as “Go Juice”.
Here at Indigo Herbs, our Chuchuhuasi range includes; Chuchuhuasi Extract Powder (4:1), Chuchuhuasi Tea, Chuchuhuasi Tincture and Chuchuhuasi Tea Bags.