Horny Goat Weed Products
Here is our range of Horny Goat Weed Products, including the tea, tincture, whole leaf powder and the 20% Icariin extract powder. At Indigo Herbs we understand the importance of quality and have made sure that this plant has come to you in its absolute unadulterated form. This means that all plant material, from harvest to the milling process, has been checked to safeguard against any containments.
Horny Goat Weed’s first recorded use dates back to the ancient text, Shennon Bencao Jing (Divine Farmer's Materia Medica) around ca. 200 B.C. - 100 A.D.
In common Chinese folklore, a legend relates how a goat herder noticed the attributes of this plant when his flock would become aroused whenever they consumed it, thus relating to the name Horny Goat Weed.
There are many variations in the species of Epimedium all around the world but it is thought to have originated in southern China later spreading to Europe.
Sold as a herbal tea or / and a food supplement