Lavender Products

As with other plants that have wonderful aromas, Lavender has a long history of use that started with the Egyptians and Phoenicians but can also be traced back to India. This plant has been used for its aesthetic qualities as well as in a great many products for at least 2,000 years. Here at Indigo Herbs we have some fantastic Lavender products; Lavender Essential Oil, Lavender Hydrolat, Lavender Tincture and Lavender Cut Herbal Tea. You can also choose from a range of Lavender inspired guest products.
The ancient cultures that grew into powerful civilisations considered plants with rich qualities to be assets to their daily lives. The Egyptians used Lavender as a perfume and in the embalming process where Lavender essence was part of the many chemicals used to anoint the shrouds used in mummification. Highly regarded also by the Greeks, who gave it the name ‘Nardus’, which corresponds with the ancient Syrian city of Naarda. Uses were numerous and there are even Greek references to Lavender curing insanity! Following on to the Roman period is where Lavender became a prized commodity; one pound of Lavender could fetch up to 100 denarii which would have been a full month’s wages for a farm labourer. The common name Lavender comes from the Latin ‘lavare’ meaning ‘to wash’ and derives from the fact that the Romans used Lavender flowers to scent the water of their baths. Since the Romans Lavender has been popular throughout Europe and was a particular favourite of Queen Victoria.
There are three main types of Lavender, English Lavender, French Lavender and Spanish Lavender. From these three there are a multitude of speciality Lavenders that come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Some are for culinary use while others have been specifically bred for their beauty. Generally Lavender grows like a small shrub and can show lots of different leaf shapes, leaf colour and flower structures. Flowers can come in the shade of purple, pink, white and a red coloured variety.