Lemon Products

Although the Lemon has been with us for a long time the origins of this fruit are a bit of a mystery. Thought to be at least 2,500 years old, the common lemon was originally thought to have been cultivated only for its ornamental qualities. Indigo Herbs has brought you two different lemon products for those who really enjoy the lemon infused taste and aromas that this fruit can give. These come in the form of a pure Lemon Essential Oil and Lemon Peel Tea.
The common Lemon is thought to be hybrid of the bitter orange and the citron fruit hailing from North Western India. Arab traders brought these tangy fruits from the Middle East to the shores of Italy where they were grown as ornamental plants. It wasn’t until the Crusades that Lemon was fully introduced throughout Europe and by the 15th century this fruit had been fully indoctrinated into European cooking. By 1493 Lemons were introduced to the Americas and became a crop in Florida about 200 years later. In 1743 James Lind discovered that lemon in the diet of sailors helped in deterring scurvy. Although Vitamin C wasn’t known to be an important dietary need, James discovered that lemon held an essential element that fought the sailor’s most dreaded ailment.
There are many different types of lemon with some being naturalised to certain areas giving them specific tastes and attributes. While some are able to withstand cold and wind or coastal conditions, while others prefer dryer and more arid soils. Some varieties grow with variegated patterns and have abundant yields while some have a very sparse fruiting period. With all the differences in lemon there isn’t a strict definition of how the tree grows. All have the typical yellow fruit and ovate leaves.