Magnesium Mineral Supplements

Frequently referred to as the “miracle mineral”, magnesium is required to give the “spark of life” to metabolic functions involving the creation of energy and its transport, the creation and synthesis of proteins and is involved in literally hundreds of enzymatic reactions - it activates the enzymes that make copies of DNA and RNA making it essential in the process of cell division.
Roughly half of your body’s magnesium is stored in your bones and acts as a co-factor with calcium and vitamin D to maintain and strengthen the bone structure and teeth (your teeth can only form hard enamel from calcium if magnesium is available). Operating as a natural calcium channel blocker and responsible for relaxation, magnesium is pivotally important to the functioning of the parasympathetic nervous system. Both magnesium and calcium are intimately involved with muscle function (magnesium relaxes, calcium contracts) with frequent muscle cramps being a symptom of a deficiency in magnesium.