Saw Palmetto Products

Following in the tradition of the Seminoles, a tribe of Native American Indians from Florida and the far reaching influence of the Mayans, Indigo Herbs brings you two fantastic Saw Palmetto products. Our Saw Palmetto Powder and Saw Palmetto Tincture are some of the best on the market being made from the finest examples of the fruit from the Saw Palmetto tree. Come and join Indigo Herbs in the marvellous properties that the 'old man's best friend' can offer you.
Through the history of the old world cultures of the Americas we see instances of some botanicals being used for a very wide range of uses. Saw Palmetto is one of these plants. There is evidence to suggest that the Mayans used Saw Palmetto for a great many reasons but ordinarily as a general health tonic. Some tribes of Seminole Indians, who may or may not have been related to the Mayan, used Saw Palmetto berries as a general antiseptic and to clear the respiratory tract. After the colonisation of the Americas the botanist John Lloyd observed sheep and other animals eating Saw Palmetto and noticed that it provided excellent nourishment. It wasn't until 1908 that Saw Palmetto was added to the US Pharmacopoeia but was later retracted in 1946 because the plant had fallen out of fashion with the explosion of use in Allopathic medicine. After standardisation and the introduction of better extraction techniques Saw Palmetto was again introduced into the US Pharmacopoeia in 1998.
Saw Palmetto is a Fan Palm that grows like a shrub but can reach heights of about 10 feet tall in the warm climate of the south east United States. It has thorny stems, white flowers, yellow berries and clusters of bladed leaves that look like a saw. The berries turn a brown/black colour when ripe and were a source of nourishment for the Native Americas of the South East.