Shatavari Products

Here you will find all the information regarding Indigo Herbs two great Shatavari products; Organic Shatavari Powder and Organic Shatavari Tincture. Indigo Herbs has made sure that these two organic Shatavari products have come to you in their purest form, in line with organic and Ayurvedic specifications so you can gain the most benefit from this amazing ingredient.
Shatavari has a very long history within India as one of the corner stone remedies within Ayruvedic medicine for women stemming back at least until 4,000 BC. A member of the 300 wide species of the Asparagus family, Shatavari is a sub-tropical climbing plant with a slightly woody stem and branching. This is not the same plant that is commonly consumed as a vegetable (Asparagus officinalis) but rather a sister plant within the same species.
According to Ayurveda, human physiology has varying constitutions which are labelled doshas. The doshas are named Vata, Pitta and Kapha are linked to the five classical elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether. The Shatavari plant, according to the Ayurveda, has the ability to balance these doshas in the female body.
The meaning of Shatavari can be loosely translated as 'a hundred lovers'; or 'to possess a hundred husbands' relating to one of the effects attributed to it within Ayurvedic medicine. Considered as a Rasayana ('Path of essence'), the Ayurveda accredits this plant with adaptogenic qualities with the ability to enliven certain parts of the female anatomy also making it a brilliant overall tonic for general health purposes.