Shea Butter Products

The Shea tree grows wild on the savannah in several of the West African countries like Ghana, Nigeria and Mali. It can grow up to 20-25 metres high and has roots that burrow 20 metres deep, enabling it to withstand long periods of drought.
The first fruits appear after 8-12 years and peak productivity is reached when the tree is about 40 years old although it can continue to bear fruit for up to 150 years.
Each tree produces approximately 50kg of fruit every year. The Shea tree’s fruit (and its stone, or nut) is an important raw material for West Africa and for hundreds of years the local people have used it for food, medicinal, decorative and cosmetic purposes and as a protection against the sun and bad weather.
Indigo Herbs is delighted to offer Shea Butter Oil, an excellent oil for dry and damaged skin that is rich in skin boosting vitamins and fatty acids. It also contains 5-10% phytosterols, which stimulate cell growth.