Soya Products

For those who prefer a flour to have a heavy protein kick then Soya Flour is a definite recommendation. Filled with B Vitamins and minerals, baking with Soya Flour can help raise your bread, biscuits and other baked goods into high nutritional superfoods.
Soya was first domesticated by the Chinese in around 1100 BCE where it spread throughout the world. Soy Sauce has been popular since the 18th century and wasn't grown in the Americas until 1851. The first beans arrived after they were gifted by a Japanese sailor who was saved from the Pacific ocean. Soy bean was found to be a great cattle feed and nitrogen fixer for soil until the American chemist George Washington Carver found that the bean was a great source of protein. Henry Ford also made the Soy bean famous by producing some of the plastics for his first cars from Soy beans. Soy has been ever increasing in popularity ever since.