4.90 out of 5 stars
- Size 00
- Vegan Capsules made from 'Pullulan'
- Great Alternative to Gelatin
- Strong, Robust but also slightly Elastic
- Can be used with Capsule Machine
- Resealable air tight, foil pouch
Quality Assured
Shipping Rates
Vegetarian Capsules Size 00 from Indigo Herbs are a pure Pullulan vegan capsule of the highest quality. These veggie capsules are derived from a polysaccharide which has been produced via the fermentation of carbohydrates. Not only are these Vegetarian Capsules strong and durable, they also keep the contents stored in them in great condition. This is because Pullulan Capsules have a lower rate oxidisation compared with other capsules.
At Indigo Herbs we are passionate about premium quality botanicals. Explore the tabs on this page to find out more about the suggested use of this piece of equipment. At Indigo Herbs we are committed to empowering optimum health and nutrition and assisting you to take responsibility for your own health and wellbeing, by having access to many of natures healing botanicals.
These Vegan Capsules are best filled utilising a Capsule Machine which can be used to easily fill the capsules with a blend or single ingredient.
Pullulan is a biopolymer with unique properties. It is a polysaccharide produced by the fermentation of carbohydrate (starch/sugar) by the ubiquitous fungus Aureobasidium pullulans. Chemically, it consists of repeated unit of maltotriose units where three glucose units in maltotriose are connected by an alpha-1,4 glycosidic bond and consecutive maltotriose units are connected to each other by an alpha-1,6 glycosidic bond. This typical linkage pattern in fact render some distinctive physical traits which are different from many known polysaccharide. One interesting characteristic is its high adhesevity that leads to the formation of strong films with very low oxygen permeability.
Pullulan is a white to off white powder and is flavourless, odourless and extremely stable. It is non toxic and non immunogenic in nature and readily dissolves in water.
Pullulan is a white to off white powder and is flavourless, odourless and extremely stable. It is non toxic and non immunogenic in nature and readily dissolves in water.
Verified reviews by
4.9 / 513 reviews
I really like these capsules for swallowing my special herb, now that I don't combust it anymore and can't put it in any food just in case I agravate my diabetes by doing so.
23 July 2024
Lorye Hopper
I have bought these handy vegan capsules from Indigo Herbs before. I use them especially
for encapsulating slippery elm powder.
08 July 2024
Maria Majka
Perfect quality
19 March 2024
have ordered these before and the quality is always good.
27 September 2023
Kim Ross
very useful capsules
03 August 2023
These capsules are just right for the reason I use them.
02 August 2023
Very Convenient Produce
30 June 2022
thank youvery much
28 February 2022
I used these for shiitake mushroom powder which I bought a few weeks previously, I wasn’t taking it because it tastes so bad! These capsules saved it from the rubbish bin. They worked well, I just scooped up the powder in both sides of the capsule and clicked it together. It took a while but worth the effort, now no horrible aftertaste!
06 November 2020
Perfect for tapering dosages of drugs like Duloxetine which have horrendous discontinuation symptoms if doses are dropped too quickly. With these capsules you can easily open Duloxetine capsules and follow professional guidance of dropping no more than 10% of your previous amount of beads every two weeks. A safe taper is entirely possible with these capsules. Perfect.
18 March 2020
Noor Akbar
Fast delivery good service thank u
15 July 2019
Robert Payne
Excellent service !
10 March 2019
Very quick delivery, well packaged and great value. Would be great if had size 0 capsules and capsulator for sale too as feedback on size 00 capsules is that they can be quite hard to swallow by some clients.
09 February 2019